1000 – 1999 Gallon SS Tanks


1000 Gallon (3780 L) Stainless Steel Mixing Tank

1000 Gallon (3780 L) Stainless Steel Mixing Tank 7.6 ft Dia X 8' Height with motor mount manufactured by Chester Jensen, it has a variable speed paddle mixer, with 220V Motor and frequency drive (new), there is a 2" sanitary fitting at the bottom side and man-hole entry at the top with multiple fittings available. The tank is jacketed (though was never used). Location: Welland, ON

1000 G (3785L) St. Regis Multiprocessor Tank

1000 G (3785L) St. Regis Multiprocessor Tank approx 7.5 feet in Diameter by 9.5 feet tall motor is 3hp Manhole Last Use: Cheese Factory Location: Central Ontario, Canada
